Reference Guide

Table of Content


The purpose of Pousse-Café is to provide a framework enabling to

It comes with a DSL, the Extended Messaging Intermediate Language (EMIL), enabling the simple description of domain processes which enables a higher level preview of how the process is structured and how lower level components interact. EMIL can be used to generate code serving as a starting point or augmenting the actual implementation.

Expert-readable documentation can be automatically generated from the code, enabling an efficient communication with domain experts (e.g. to get quick and precise feedback on the model itself).

The framework applies Domain-Driven Design (DDD)’s concepts and principles to Java in providing an actual interpretation of them. With little effort, this enables a scalable implementation.

Finally, Pousse-Café separates messaging and storage systems from model logic (i.e. the domain processes) in a way that enables to replace them without impacting the model code itself. Changing the storage or messaging system used by an application simply consists in loading another implementation into the Pousse-Café runtime. Also, adding support for a new messaging or storage system boils down to implementing a couple of classes.

In the following, below names represent DDD concepts unless explicitly stated:

While the remainder of this document is probably legible without prior knowledge of DDD, the understanding of above concepts will definitely help in getting why the framework is organized the way it is and how this actually enables scalable business process implementations.

Implementing domain processes

Below picture illustrates how Pousse-Café actually executes domain processes.

The easiest way of implementing a domain process is probably to

The purpose of this document is to describe what was actually generated and how the gaps must be filled.

Definition and implementation

The pluggable storage and messaging systems feature of Pousse-Café is enabled by separating definition and implementation:

The classes actually implementing the interfaces contain the implementation details linked to the storage or messaging system (friendly types, annotations, etc.).

Therefore, a model is defined by its component and the interfaces representing entity attributes, queries, domain events and commands. However, in order to be actually executable by the Pousse-Café runtime, the model must also have an implementation, it must be implemented.

Run your model

A module is defined by interfaces or classes extending or implementing poussecafe.domain.Module. The package of this class or interface defines the module’s base package. Any component represented by a class in a sub-package of the module’s base package, or the base package itself, is considered as part of the module.

The following components are grouped into modules:

At code level, a module contains both the definition and the implementation i.e. implementation classes must be included in a sub-package of module’s base package.

Definitions and implementations of a set of modules are grouped into a Bundle. A Bundle links a set of modules to a given storage and messaging. The preferred way to create a Bundle is to use a BundleConfigurer.

Below example illustrates the creation of a BundleConfigurer by automatically loading all domain components and implementations available in a module:

public class MyBundle {

    public static BundleConfigurer configure() {
        return new BundleConfigurer.Builder()
    private MyBundle() {


If no module has been defined (i.e. all aggregates are in the default module), DefaultModule may be loaded. However, this is not recommended because it implies the scanning of all classes in the classpath.

BundleConfigurer uses the following annotations to discover the domain components to load:

In addition, sub-classes of the following interfaces/classes are automatically loaded as well:

BundleConfigurer is used to instantiate a Bundle and provide it to a runtime which may, finally, be started:

Bundle bundle = MyBundle.configure()
Runtime runtime = new Runtime.Builder()

defineAndImplementDefault method returns a Bundle builder that will select internal storage and messaging implementations. In order to use another storage and messaging, use defineThenImplement.

Several bundles may be loaded into a runtime. As a consequence, it is possible to combine different storage and messaging technologies in the same application. This may be useful in situations like integration with legacy systems or optimization (when parts of the model are better suited to another storage technology).

Upon creation, the runtime instantiates all required services and injects them. All domain services (including aggregate factories and repositories) are singletons. Any domain service may have a field which type is another domain service. A call to Runtime’s start method actually starts the consumption of messages by listeners. The call to start is non blocking.

After that, commands may be submitted to the runtime using Runtime.submitCommand and aggregates retrieved using their repository.

Domain events should be issued by aggregates upon state transitions. However, in some cases (e.g. when integrating with an external system), it might be necessary to directly submit an event to the runtime. This is the purpose of Runtime.issue method.

For external services (i.e. non-domain services), repositories may be retrieved from Runtime’s Environment using the following methods:


where aggregateClass is the class of the aggregate root.

Another possibility for accessing a repository is to inject it manually into a service:


where service is an instance into which Pousse-Café services should be injected. If service’s class contains a field which type is a repository, it will be injected.

A Spring integration exists enabling direct injection of domain component in Spring beans and vice versa (up to some extent, see the project page for more details).

Introducing Attributes

Before describing how to define and implement domain events, commands or aggregates, the concept of attribute must be introduced. The purpose of attributes is the simplification of the definition and implementation of entities, domain events and commands. While their use is optional, it is highly recommended in order to make the code more readable and prevent accidental leaks of technical details into the model.

An Attribute is an object encapsulating a value and exposing a getter and a setter for this value. It hides the way the value is actually represented: you may for instance have a BigDecimal attribute with its value actually stored in the form of a String. In that case, the implementation of the getter and the setter includes the conversion logic.

Attributes are similar to (but more powerful than) "properties" in Python and C#.

The purpose of attributes is

  1. to simplify the interface of an enclosing class: instead of having 2 methods (one for the getter, one for the setter), a single method exposing the attribute is enough,
  2. to simplify client code when data conversion is needed (i.e. when the type of stored value is different from the type exposed),
  3. to have an interface explicitly exposing an attribute in the form of a single element (and not two with getter and setter sharing the same name or being prefixed with get or set respectively).

The Attribute interface is defined as follows:

public interface Attribute<V> {
     V value();

     void value(V value);
     default void valueOf(Attribute<T> property) {

It is then possible to define an enclosing interface like this:

interface Example {

    Attribute<BigDecimal> x();

Given a reference r to an instance of Example, setting x is written as follows:

r.x().value(new BigDecimal("42"))

Getting the value of x is written as follows:


One could directly implement Attribute interface, but Pousse-Café provides an AttributeBuilder easing the task and preventing the explicit use of anonymous classes which would cripple the code.

An implementation of Example looks like this:

class ExampleImpl implements Example {

    public Attribute<BigDecimal> x() {
        return AttributeBuilder.single(BigDecimal.class)
            .read(() -> x)
            .write(value -> x = value)
    private BigDecimal x;

In above example, AttributeBuilder.single returns an Attribute which expects a non-null value. If the value can be null, use AttributeBuilder.optional and make this explicit in your interface by exposing an OptionalAttribute<T> (which extends Attribute<Optional<T>>).

Using OptionalAttribute<T> (instead of Attribute<Optional<T>>) is important as it enables some validity checks to be performed automatically by the runtime when testing your code or when explicitly enabling the checks in the runtime.

Let’s now imagine that we need to persist instances of Example. Let’s also imagine that the persistence tool we are using is able to persist the private fields of an object but does not support BigDecimal type. We still want Example to expose a BigDecimal Attribute but we need to store it using another type (e.g. String). Another possible implementation of Example is then the following:

class PersistableExampleImpl implements Example {

    public Attribute<BigDecimal> x() {
        return AttributeBuilder.single(BigDecimal.class)
            .read(() -> x)
            .write(value -> x = value)
    private String x;

In above code, DataAdapters.stringBigDecimal() returns an implementation of DataAdapter<String, BigDecimal>. DataAdapter<S, T>, where S is the type of stored value and T the type of the value to store, is an interface defining two methods, T adaptGet(S) and S adaptSet(T), respectively converting the stored value and the value to store. One can directly implement its own implementation of DataAdapter and provide it to usingDataAdapter but Pousse-Café already comes with a couple of common ones defined in DataAdapters.

This last approach enables the writing of code that interacts with an abstraction Example independently of persistence details (persisted type, conversion, etc.) which illustrates the second purpose of Attributes described at the beginning of this section.

More information about attributes can be found in this section.

Implement messages

In order to submit a command to the runtime, it first needs to be defined and implemented.

A message is defined by an interface extending the DomainEvent or Command interface. The following example shows the definition of the PlaceOrder command (the approach is strictly similar for domain events, the definition just extends DomainEvent instead of Command).

public interface PlaceOrder extends Command {

    Attribute<ProductId> productId();

    Attribute<Integer> units();

Below example illustrates the implementation of above command:

@MessageImplementation(message = PlaceOrder.class)
public class PlaceOrderData implements Serializable, PlaceOrder {

    public Attribute<ProductId> productId() {
        return AttributeBuilder.stringId(ProductId.class)
            .read(() -> productId)
            .write(value -> productId = value)

    private String productId;

    public Attribute<Integer> units() {
        return AttributeBuilder.simple(OrderDescription.class)
            .read(() -> units)
            .write(value -> units = value)

    private int units;

The @MessageImplementation annotation links the implementation to a definition. Above implementation is serializable which makes it suitable for Pousse-Café’s internal messaging (InternalMessaging).

InternalMessaging's purpose is testing, it should not be used in production.

Note that in above example, field names match Attribute names. This enables the runtime to check a message’s validity i.e. the fact that an Attribute<T> attribute has been set. Using an OptionalAttribute<T> type tells the runtime that associated field may remain unset i.e. equal to null. Message validity check is an option of the runtime and is disabled by default but enabled when running tests. It can be enabled or disabled by using messageValidation(boolean) method of RuntimeBuilder (see how to create a runtime).

Once the command is defined, implemented and loaded into the runtime, an instance may be submitted as follows:

var command = runtime.newCommand(PlaceOrder.class);
// Set attribute values

The command will be asynchronously handled.

Implement aggregates

A central element of Pousse-Café is the aggregate and its related services (i.e. the factory and the repository). They actually contain the code handling messages and updating persisted state. Indeed, the purpose of executing a domain process is to update the persisted state while making sure the some constraints are met.

Aggregate container

An aggregate is defined by a container class which will contain the definition of the root, factory and repository. They will be represented as static inner-classes of the container class. The container class simple name is the name of the aggregate. This name must be unique inside of the enclosing module.

Below example gives an example of container class for an aggregate called Product:

public class Product {
    public static class Root ... {
    public static class Factory ... {
    public static class Repository ... {

The @Aggregate annotation marks the container class as an aggregate definition. It is required for the class to be detected.

The following sections describe the inner classes of the aggregate container class.

Aggregate root

The aggregate root is defined by a class extending AggregateRoot<K, D> where

D must implement the interface EntityAttributes<K> which defines an attribute for aggregate’s ID.

D is the definition of aggregate root’s attributes.

It is recommended to defined D as a static inner-class of the class defining the aggregate root. Indeed, domain logic and data model are tightly coupled.

Below example describes a Product aggregate root which has a single availableUnits attribute.

public class Product {

    public static class Root extends AggregateRoot<ProductId, Root.Attributes> {
        public static interface Attributes extends EntityAttributes<ProductId> {
            Attribute<Integer> availableUnits();

The Product.Attributes interface defines the data model of an entity (and in particular, the aggregate root). Each attribute is defined by a method returning an instance of Attribute<V> where V is the type of the attribute.

The type of the value of an attribute may be

Regular POJOs may be used as well, but the attributes of an entity should be expressed as much as possible in terms of domain concepts so that the model remains understandable by domain experts.

Below example illustrates an implementation of Product.Root.Attributes interface.

public class ProductAttributes implements Product.Root.Attributes, Serializable {

    public Attribute<ProductId> id() {
        return AttributeBuilder.stringId(ProductId.class)
            .read(() -> productId)
            .write(value -> productId = value)

    private String productId;

    public Attribute<Integer> availableUnits() {
        return AttributeBuilder.single(Integer.class)
            .read(() -> availableUnits)
            .write(value -> availableUnits = value)

    private int availableUnits;

This implementation is serializable and is therefore suitable, for example, for Pousse-Café’s internal memory-based storage (InternalStorage). Other storage types might require additional enrichment of the data (annotations, etc.).

Pousse-Café's internal storage's purpose is testing, it should not be used in production.

Aggregate roots have 3 life-cycle hooks:

The hooks are methods of AggregageRoot which may be overridden in order to modify the state of the aggregate or issue one or several domain events (see here).


In order to create aggregates, a factory is needed. A factory extends the poussecafe.domain.Factory<K, A, D> class where

There is one factory per aggregate type.

The following example shows a factory for the Product aggregate. It illustrates the creation of a Product with initially no available units given its ID.

public class Product {
    public static class Factory extends AggregateFactory<ProductId, Root, Root.Attributes> {
        public Product buildProductWithNoStock(ProductId productId) {
            Product product = newAggregateWithId(productId);
            return product;

While it is possible to create directly an aggregate using a factory and manually persist it, as above example suggests, the preferred approach for doing this is to use a message listener.


Finally, aggregates need to be saved, updated or removed from storage. That’s the purpose of the repository which is implemented by extending the poussecafe.domain.AggregateRepository<K, A, D> class where

The repository’s role is to

In order to do that, a repository uses an EntityDataAccess<K, D> instance where

The actual implementation of EntityDataAccess<K, D> is dependent on the storage and has to be loaded into the runtime.

The Repository class defines the following default operations:

Optional<A> getOptional(K id);
A get(K id);
void add(A aggregate);
void update(A aggregate);
void delete(K id);
boolean existsById(K id);


The following example shows a repository for the Product aggregate.

public class Product {

    public static class Repository extends AggregateRepository<ProductId, Product, Product.Attributes> {
        public List<Product> findByAvailableUnits(int availableUnits) {
            return wrap(dataAccess().findByAvailableUnits(availableUnits));
        public DataAccess<Product.Attributes> dataAccess() {
            return (DataAccess<Product.Attributes>) super.dataAccess();
        public static interface DataAccess<D extends EntityAttributes> extends EntityDataAccess<ProductId, D> {

            List<D> findByAvailableUnits(int availableUnits);


In above example, the additional query method findByAvailableUnits is defined. The DataAccess static inner interface defines the queries needed on data. EntityDataAccess interface defines the default ones.

The data access implementation defined for the repository must implement its data access interface.

This is an example of implementation:

    aggregateRoot = Product.Root.class,
    dataImplementation = ProductAttributes.class,
    storageName = InternalStorage.NAME
public class ProductDataAccess extends InternalDataAccess<ProductId, ProductAttributes>
implements Product.Repository.DataAccess<ProductAttributes> {

    public List<ProductData> findByAvailableUnits(int availableUnits) {
        return findAll().stream()
            .filter(data -> data.availableUnits().value() == availableUnits)

The @DataAccessImplementation annotation links attributes and data access implementations with Product aggregate. The storageName attribute is used to decide if the implementation should be loaded into the runtime or not. Implementations not matching the storage of the bundle being configured are not loaded.

Message listeners

Previous sections showed how to

This section focuses on the handling of messages by the aggregates.

There are 2 types of messages in Pousse-Café: domain events and commands. One of the purposes of domain events is to achieve eventual consistency (consistency rules spanning several aggregates). Commands represent inputs from users or external systems.

Messages are directly handled by aggregate roots, factories or repositories.

The @MessageListener annotation is used to annotate a method that should handle a message. Such a method is called a message listener. Message listeners are methods which

If the consumed message argument is of type poussecafe.messaging.Message, the message listener is called a wildcard listener: it will handle all messages received by the runtime. However, this approach is not recommended unless required as it implies a loss of specificity.

The @MessageListener annotation has 2 attributes which are independent of the container (i.e. the enclosing class):

Both attributes are optional. By default, a message listener is linked to the default domain process (poussecafe.discovery.DefaultProcess) and consumes from no external component.

The information in above attributes is not used by the runtime. However, it enables:

Message listener methods may also be annotated with @ProducesEvent. This annotation has 3 attributes:

Relying on this annotation, the runtime can check that expected events are actually issued and no unexpected events are issued. In case of failing check, the execution of the listener fails.

@ProducesEvent is also used when generating model’s expert-readable documentation.

For a given message type, there must be only at most one message listener per container (aggregate root, factory, repository).

Factory listeners

Factory message listeners are used to create aggregates when handling a message. They return the aggregate(s) that should be created in response to the consumption of a message.

Below example illustrates listeners in a factory:

public static class Factory extends AggregateFactory<...> {

    public MyAggregate createMyAggregate(Event1 event) {

    public Optional<MyAggregate> optionallyCreateMyAggregate(Event2 event) {

    public List<MyAggregate> createMyAggregates(Event3 event) {

When new aggregates are created, Pousse-Café automatically starts a transaction and commits (if the storage requires it) when persisting each new aggregate. The creation itself i.e. the execution of the message listener happens outside of the transaction (actually, before it).

The following algorithm describes how transactions are handled upon aggregate creation:

"Execute factory listener"; // Listener
while("all created aggregates not persisted") {
    "Start transaction";
    "Add aggregate";
    "End transaction";

Aggregate root listeners

Aggregate root message listeners are used to update aggregates when handling a domain event.

Below example describes a Product aggregate giving the possibility to place an Order. The OrderPlaced event is issued if the order was placed successfully.

public static class Root extends AggregateRoot<...> {

    @MessageListener(runner = PlaceOrderRunner.class, processes = OrderPlacement.class)
    @ProducesEvent(value = OrderRejected.class, required = false)
    @ProducesEvent(value = OrderPlaced.class, required = false)
    public void placeOrder(PlaceOrder command) {
        // Update aggregate state

        OrderPlaced event = newDomainEvent(OrderPlaced.class);
        // populate attributes of event


The identity of the aggregates to update needs to be extracted from the message. Therefore, an aggregate root message listener requires a runner linked using the runner attribute. Runners are described in greater detail later.

Aggregate root’s newDomainEvent method returns a new instance of event implementation. Aggregate root’s issue method queues the event for issuance after the updated aggregate is successfully saved to storage. Both methods may also be used within hooks.

Below algorithm illustrates how an aggregate root listener and its runner are executed and how transactions are handled.

"Compute aggregate identifiers to update"; // Runner
while("all identifiers are not handled") {
    "Start transaction";
    "Fetch aggregate to update";
    "Execute update listener"; // Listener
    "Update aggregate;"
    "End transaction";

newDomainEvent and issue are defined in poussecafe.domain.Entity. It is therefore perfectly valid to create and issue events inside of another aggregate's entity than the aggregate root.

Repository listeners

Repository message listeners are used to remove aggregates from storage. They return the identifier(s) of the aggregate(s) that should be deleted in response to the consumption of a message.

Below example illustrates a listeners in a repository:

public static class Repository extends AggregateRepository<...> {

    public MyAggregateId deleteMyAggregate(Event1 event) {

    public Optional<MyAggregateId> optionallyDeleteMyAggregate(Event2 event) {

    public List<MyAggregateId> deleteMyAggregates(Event3 event) {

Below algorithm summarizes how a repository listener is executed and how transactions are handled.

"Execute repository listener"; // Listener
while("all aggregates not deleted") {
    "Start transaction";
    "Delete aggregate";
    "End transaction";


The runner attribute of MessageListener enables to link a listener to its runner. This is only necessary for aggregate root listeners.

A runner is an instance of AggregateMessageListenerRunner<M, K, A> where

Runners are services i.e. they must be state-less. A single runner per aggregate root listener is instantiated by the runtime.

AggregateMessageListenerRunner interface is declared as follows:

public interface AggregateMessageListenerRunner<M, K, A> {

    TargetAggregates<K> targetAggregates(M message);

    default Object context(M message, A aggregate) { return null; }

    default void validChronologyOrElseThrow(M message, A aggregate) {}

targetAggregates defines the identifiers of the aggregates to update given an event. It also allows to define the identifiers of the aggregates whose creation is expected because they cannot be updated (see section collision handling).

context returns the data required to execute the update i.e. information coming potentially from other aggregates or external configuration. The use of an update context is not recommended but may be required in some cases. By default, no context is returned (i.e. context returns null). The context can be accessed inside of an aggregate root listener by calling context(). If no context was set by the listener, the call throws an exception.

For a description of validChronologyOrElseThrow, see collision handling section.

In order to accelerate the writing of runners, helpers exist for common situations:

Explicit domain processes

Sometimes, defining message listeners at factory, aggregate root and repository level is not flexible enough because it does not enable the definition of more complex handling patterns. This is the purpose of explicit domain processes (EDP).

An EDP is a non-domain service which contains message listeners. It is defined by a class extending poussecafe.process.DomainProcess. An EDP routes domain events or commands to an actual aggregate root, factory or repository, potentially by first applying some custom processing (which is their main purpose).

Below example shows a very simple example of EDP.

public class MyDomainProcess extends DomainProcess {

    public void doSomething(Event4 event) {
        runInTransaction(MyAggregate.class, () -> {
            MyAggregate.Root aggregate = repository.get(;

    private MyAggregate.Repository repository;

The runInTransaction method runs the provided Runnable in the context of a transaction.

Above example is equivalent to defining the message listener in MyAggregate.Root class and defining a runner than returns a single ID equal to There is no custom processing actually executed.

Using EDPs is not recommended because

Therefore, it is recommended to use EDPs only as a last resort.

Custom message listeners

In some circumstances, for instance when you want to react to a domain event in a component that is not managed by Pousse-Café’s runtime (e.g. a Spring Bean), you may define custom message listeners. Custom message listeners are defined in the same way as factory, repository and domain process listeners (i.e. using the @MessageListener annotation). The only difference is that they have to be registered manually.

This is done by using runtime’s registerListenersOf method:


where service is the instance of the service containing the listeners. In order to prevent any loss, the listeners should be registered before the runtime is actually started. Otherwise, the custom listener may miss messages.

Message listeners execution order

No assumption should be made on the order in which message listeners will be executed when handling a given message. However, there are priority rules given the type of listener. Below list shows the order in which listener types are executed:

  1. Repository listeners
  2. Aggregate root listeners
  3. Factory listeners
  4. Domain process listeners
  5. Custom listeners

So for example, if a group of listeners consumes a message M, it will first be handled by listeners defined in repositories, then by listeners defined in aggregate roots, etc.

If several listeners are defined per type (e.g. when several aggregates have listeners for the same message type), the order in which they are executed is undefined.

There are several goals behind above priority rule:

Implement services

A service is defined by a Java class extending class Service with only the default constructor or an explicit constructor taking no argument. A service might depend on other domain services (including factories and repositories).

Below example illustrates the definition of a service:

public class Service1 implements Service {

    public Object produceSomethingUsingService2(Object input) {
        // Use service2

    private Service2 service2;

When instantiating Service1, Pousse-Café will inject the instance of Service2 at runtime (Service2 being a service as well). This is also true for factories and repositories which may considered as “special” services.

In some cases, a service may be abstract because technical details need to be hidden in a specific implementation. The @ServiceImplementation annotation can then be used to annotate the actual implementation and link it to the abstract service using attribute service.

Test your model

Pousse-Café provides tools allowing to easily test your model processes with no heavy storage setup required. Actually, you might write your whole domain logic even before deciding what kind of storage you would be using. More importantly, it means that you can focus your tests on the domain.

For testing, it is suggested to use the default in-memory storage implementation provided by Pousse-Café. When actually integrating your Model in a real application, you could then just choose another implementation when building the runtime.

PousseCafeTest class can be extended to write (e.g. JUnit) tests involving different Bundles. PousseCafeTest essentially

Below example illustrates a test verifying that the handling of CreateProduct command actually creates a new Product aggregate.

public class ProductManagementTest extends PousseCafeTest {

    protected Runtime.Builder runtimeBuilder() {
        return super.runtimeBuilder()

    public void productCanBeCreated() {
        ProductId productId = new ProductId("product-id");
        submitCommand(new CreateProduct(productId));

    private OrderRepository orderRepository;

Overriding the runtimeBuilder method enables the configuration of test runtime.

submitCommand directly submits the given command into the runtime for handling. PousseCafeTest also defines the issue method for direct issuance of domain events.

orderRepository is automatically injected by PousseCafeTest’s runtime.

The scope of Pousse-Café tests is rather broad: it may span several aggregates and imply many events. Therefore, Pousse-Café tests should be considered as “functional integration tests” in the sense that they are already harder to maintain and are slower than regular unit tests. Nonetheless, they enable to test eventual consistency following the consumption of a given command or event by the runtime, which is useful, particularly if that information is reported.

Initial state

Generally, when testing the handling of a command or domain event, you need an initial data set to be available (i.e. an initial state for a collection of aggregates).

You may do this programmatically (by submitting a sequence of commands and/or domain events). However, this approach may produce code which is hard to maintain: each time the process leading to the initial state you are trying to produce changes, you may have to modify your test code, even if the result remains unchanged.

Another possibility is to directly load data sets so that they are available through repository queries. This may be done as follows:

var dataSet = new DataSet.Builder()
    .withAggregateData(Product.Root.class, buildSomeProductData())
    .withAggregateData(Product.Root.class, buildOtherProductData())
    .withAggregateData(Customer.Root.class, buildCustomerData())

The above code should be executed in a method of a subclass of PousseCafeTest. As a result, the data are loaded into the test storage.

Unit testing an entity

Sometimes, one wants to only test a single method of an entity (e.g. a single message listener). In order to produce such an entity, there are 2 possibilities:

  1. use a factory,
  2. build the entity manually.

The first possibility may require some heavy setup in order to ensure that all constraints checked by the factory are met. Therefore, in some cases, the second possibility is preferred. In order to prevent the tedious work of manually building the entity (set data and other Pousse-Café implementation details), PousseCafeTest defines a newEntity method which produces an empty instance. One can then set the required attributes and run its test against it.

Behavior-Driven Development testing

PousseCafeTest exposes methods enabling to write tests following the given-when-then style defined by Behavior-Driven Development (BDD).

This enables to write a test looking like this:

public void placingOrderOnAllUnitsEmptiesOrder() {

Collision Handling

Once you deploy your application in a distributed environment, you will more than likely want to achieve high performance and/or high availability which may both be obtained by multiplying the number of processing nodes. In the context of a Pousse-Café application, this generally means that you will have several Pousse-Café runtime instances executed by different nodes running the same Modules and, therefore, the same sets of listeners.

The problem is that you will start experiencing “collisions” i.e. several listeners trying to update or create the same aggregate at the same time.

In a single node environment, even with several processing threads, Pousse-Café is able to prevent collisions. However, in a multi-node environment, this is not possible (except at a potentially high synchronization cost in terms of execution time).

Ideally, a model should be designed in a way that the probability of collision is as low as possible. Having many small aggregates instead of a few big ones helps. However, it is sometimes not possible to prevent them completely (i.e. the probability of collision cannot be reduced to zero).

To handle this issue, Pousse-Café implements a rather simple mechanism: when a collision is detected while running a listener, the execution of the listener is retried a bit later, potentially several times, until the listener is successfully executed.

This mechanism implies that messages may not be handled in a strict sequence anymore: a retry may cause that a message that was sent before another one is actually handled after it. The model has to be designed in a way that supports this. If strict sequences are required, proper synchronization mechanisms have to be implemented. Pousse-Café provides means to skip or retry the execution of listeners in order to prevent data inconsistencies.

Detecting Collisions

Collisions are detected in two situations:

  1. An update fails with an optimistic locking error,
  2. An insertion fails with a duplicate key error when it should not (i.e. the insertion is expected to be successful).

First situation is rather obvious: the execution of the listener which failed with an optimistic locking error must simply be retried.

Second situation is more difficult to detect: if a duplicate key error occurs, it should be detected as a collision only if an update listener on the same aggregate was not executed because the aggregate did not exist at the time it was executed. Indeed, this configuration means that another instance running in parallel created the aggregate in the meantime. If this did not happen, the duplicate key error must be interpreted as a regular failure (i.e. probably a bug).

The fact that a skipped update requires a subsequent creation is noticed via a TargetAggregates<K> instance returned by a runner (see aggregate root listeners runners). For example, the following code inside of Runner’s targetAggregates method tells to Pousse-Café that aggregate with identifier id might be updated but if it is not, then it must be created:

MyAggregateId id = ...;
if(...) { // Aggregate can be updated
    return new TargetAggregates.Builder<MyAggregateId>()
} else { // The aggregate was not updated but its creation is expected
    return new TargetAggregates.Builder<MyAggregateId>()

The creation itself must be handled by a factory listener. Above logic is implemented by helpers UpdateOrCreateRunner and UpdateOrCreateOneRunner. It is recommended to extend one of them when using “update or create” pattern in a collision-prone environment.

Note that in a collision-free environment, the “else” block of above code is useless as creation will always be executed in the case no update was.

Handle message chronology issues

In a runner, the validChronologyOrElseThrow method may be overridden. It checks if, based on an aggregate’s state, the message arrives at the right time or not. This method must throw one of the following exceptions if the message listener must not be executed and the aggregate must not be updated:

The exceptions listed above may be thrown by the message listener itself. However, this causes the business logic inside of the listener to be crippled by technical details.

Configuring services

Sometimes, services need some external configuration (e.g. a URL to inject into a text). When instantiating the runtime, configuration entries may be added with runtime Builder’s withConfiguration methods. runtime’s poussecafe.runtime.Configuration instance can be injected in a service, giving access to configuration entries.

For example, let’s have a runtime created as follows:

new Runtime.Builder()
    .withConfiguration("X", "Y")

Given a service defined as follows:

public class MyService implements Service {

    public String processConfiguration() {
        return "Prefix " + configuration.value("X").orElseThrow();

    private Configuration configuration;

Then, the value returned when calling MyService’s processConfiguration method is Prefix Y.

When using Pousse-Café in the context of a Spring application, configuration entries may be read from application properties.

Generating expert-readable documentation

Pousse-Café Doc generates DDD expert-readable documentation based on a Pousse-Café project’s source code. It uses javadoc comments and the actual code to infer a higher level documentation understandable by domain experts.

Pousse-Café’s Maven plugin provides the generate-doc goal. The goal is automatically executed during package phase.

generate-doc goal requires at least 2 properties to be defined:

Below an example of configuration of the plugin where above properties are defined:


The way components are actually documented is described in the following sections.


A module is defined by interfaces or classes extending or implementing poussecafe.domain.Module.

The name of the module is the name of module’s class.

The javadoc comment’s body is used as the description of the module. HTML tags may be used for formatting.

@short tag defines the short (i.e. one sentence) description of the module. The short description is used in the Ubiquitous Language section of the documentation.


 * <p>Formatted description of a <em>Module</em>.</p>
 * @short Short description of the Module.

Module Components

Each module Component (aggregate, entity, value object, service and domain process) is described in the javadoc comment on its class (i.e. a class extending respectively AggregateRoot, value object, ValueObject, Service or Process).

The name of the component is the name of the class.

The description of the component is given by javadoc comment’s body. HTML tags may be used for formatting.

@short tag defines the short (i.e. one sentence) description of the component. The short description is used in the Ubiquitous Language section of the documentation.


 * <p>Formatted description of an <em>Aggregate</em>.</p>
 * @short Short description of the Aggregate.

@ignore tag used at class level or on methods tells that the component itself or a link to other components must be ignored i.e. the component or the link is not documented.

@trivial tag used at class level tells that there is no need for a description (e.g. a value object named MyAggregateId is obviously the identifier of aggregate MyAggregate).

Domain processes

A domain process is essentially described by a directed graph where:

Pousse-Café Doc uses @MessageListener and @ProducesEvent annotations to build the graph.

The name of the domain process is the name of a class extending poussecafe.domain.Process.

The description of the domain process is given by javadoc comment’s body. HTML tags may be used for formatting.

“Virtual nodes” may have to be added to the graph to illustrate the fact that some events are coming from or going to non-domain components (in case of integration with an external system) or other Modules. This is controlled by

More on Attributes

Attributes were introduced previously. This section describes them further.


Attributes can convert data using DataAdapter<S, T> instances (where S is the type of stored value and T the type of the Attribute). When S is a “primitive” type (i.e. a type supported by persistence tool), this is the preferred approach. When S and T are custom types (e.g. value objects), two classes have to be written: S and the custom Data Adapter.

The problem is that most of the time, touching the custom type implies a modification of the custom Data Adapter as well. Therefore, it makes sense to actually group the data and their conversion logic in the same class, even if this breaks the single responsibility principle.

This is the purpose of the auto-adapter: a class that contains the fields to be persisted as well as the logic to create that class based on the Attribute value or create an Attribute value based on stored data. The persistence tool must be able to persist an auto-adapter directly (e.g. if using Java serialization, the auto-adapter must implement Serializable).

An auto-adapter is a class that has at least 2 methods:

The first method instantiates the auto-adapter from an Attribute’s value. The second method instantiates the value of the Attribute based on its state.

Let’s take the example of a value object:

public class Example implements ValueObject {

    public Example(String value) {
        this.value = value;
    private String value;
    public String value() {
        return value;

Most persistence tools cannot persist this kind of class because it does not define a no-argument constructor. That constructor should not be added to the VO because it allows the creation of an instance that does not fulfill the constraints on encapsulated data (here, the fact that value must not be null).

When persisting using Java serialization, the auto-adapter for Example looks like this:

public class ExampleData implements Serializable {

    public static ExampleData adapt(Example example) {
        ExampleData data = new ExampleData();
        data.value = example.value();
        return data;
    private String value;
    public Example adapt() {
        return new Example(value);

The auto-adapter both has a no-arg constructor (the default constructor) and implements Serializable interface. At the same time, Example VO was not polluted with technical details nor where its consistency rules relaxed.

Given above example, an Attribute with type Example can be implemented as follows:

public Attribute<Example> example() {
        .read(() -> example)
        .write(value -> example = value)

private ExampleData example;

A data adapter can be built from an auto-adapter by using factory method, MyTypeAutoAdapter.class) which returns an instance of DataAdapter<MyTypeAutoAdapter, MyType>.

Optional Attributes

Pousse-Café enforces the null object pattern: calling value on an attribute instance and passing it a null value will throw an exception. Therefore, value() will never return null except initially before any value was actually set and the implementation does not provide a default value.

An attribute which may be undefined in the lifecycle of an entity should therefore be an OptionalAttribute<T> which actually extends Attribute<Optional<T>>.

Creating an optional attribute is done as follows:

public OptionalAttribute<String> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.optional(String.class)
            .read(() -> myAttribute)
            .write(value -> myAttribute = value)

private String myAttribute;

When stored type does not match actual attribute type, there are 3 possible ways of converting data:

With a data adapter:

public OptionalAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.optional(MyType.class)
            .read(() -> myAttribute)
            .write(value -> myAttribute = value)

private StoredType myAttribute;

where MyTypeAdapter extends DataAdapter<StoredType, MyType>.

With an auto-adapter:

public OptionalAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.optional(MyType.class)
            .read(() -> myAttribute)
            .write(value -> myAttribute = value)

private MyTypeAutoAdapter myAttribute;

With conversion functions:

public OptionalAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.optional(MyType.class)
            .read(() -> myAttribute)
            .write(value -> myAttribute = value)

private StoredType myAttribute;

convertStoredTypeIntoMyType is an instance of Function<StoredType, MyType> and convertMyTypeIntoStoredType is an instance of Function<MyType, StoredType>.

Number Attributes

Number attributes extend NumberAttribute<T> and enable the in-place update of numbers using mathematical operators.

NumberAttribute’s builder requires an addition operator, Pousse-Café provides some common addition operators in the AddOperators class. Here is a full example of building a NumberAttribute<BigDecimal> instance:

public NumberAttribute<Integer> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.number(Integer.class)
            .read(() -> myAttribute)
            .write(value -> myAttribute = value)

private Integer myAttribute;

Given r references a NumberAttribute<BigDecimal> Attribute, then the following statement causes the value of r to be incremented:


which is equivalent to


List Attributes

List attributes extend ListAttribute<T> and enable direct modification of stored list by mutating the attribute value.

public ListAttribute<String> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.list(String.class)

private ArrayList<String> myAttribute = new ArrayList<>();

Note that myAttribute has to be initialized (i.e. it cannot be null).

With above list attribute, the execution of


adds "test" to myAttribute list.

When the type of storage list elements does not match the type of attribute list, there are 3 possible ways of converting data:

With a data adapter:

public ListAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.list(MyType.class)

private ArrayList<StoredType> myAttribute = new ArrayList<>();

where MyTypeAdapter extends DataAdapter<StoredType, MyType>.

With an auto-adapter:

public ListAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.list(MyType.class)

private ArrayList<MyTypeAutoAdapter> myAttribute = new ArrayList<>();

With conversion functions:

public ListAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.list(MyType.class)

private ArrayList<MyTypeAutoAdapter> myAttribute = new ArrayList<>();

convertStoredTypeIntoMyType is an instance of Function<StoredType, MyType> and convertMyTypeIntoStoredType is an instance of Function<MyType, StoredType>.

Map Attributes

Map attributes extend MapAttribute<K, V> and enable direct modification of stored map by mutating the attribute value.

public MapAttribute<Integer, String> myAttribute() {
    return, String.class)

private HashMap<Integer, String> myAttribute = new HashMap<>();

Note that myAttribute has to be initialized (i.e. it cannot be null).

With above map attribute, the execution of

myAttribute().value().put(1, "test")

adds entry (1, "test") to myAttribute map.

When the type of storage map entries (key and/or value type(s)) does not match the type of attribute map entries, there are 2 possible ways of converting data:

With data adapters:

public MapAttribute<MyKeyType, MyValueType> myAttribute() {
    return, MyValueType.class)

private HashMap<MyStoredKeyType, MyStoredValueType> myAttribute = new HashMap<>();


With conversion functions:

public MapAttribute<MyKeyType, MyValueType> myAttribute() {
    return, MyValueType.class)
            .entriesStoredAs(MyStoredKeyType.class, MyStoredValueType.class)

private HashMap<MyStoredKeyType, MyStoredValueType> myAttribute = new HashMap<>();

From the above, it may seem that auto-adapters cannot be used with map attributes. It is not the case as an data adapter can always be built from an auto-adapter (see this section).

Maps may be backed by regular collections (like a list). This may be required by some storage technologies or just more convenient in terms of data schema. There are 2 cases:

In the first case, the preferred approach is to convert the elements of stored collection, then extract the key. Such a map attribute is built as follows:

public MapAttribute<Integer, String> myAttribute() {
    return, MyValueType.class)

private ArrayList<MyStoredValueType> myAttribute = new HashMap<>();

where MyValueType is able to compute its key and this key can be obtained by calling instance method getKey().

If above condition is not met, then an entry data adapter should be used:

public MapAttribute<Integer, String> myAttribute() {
    return, MyValueType.class)

private ArrayList<MyStoredValueType> myAttribute = new HashMap<>();

where MyStoredValueType directly or indirectly contains the key which is computed by MyValueTypeEntryAdapter. MyValueTypeEntryAdapter extends DataAdapter<MyStoredValueType, Entry<MyKeyType, MyValueType>>.

Set Attributes

Set attributes extend SetAttribute<T> and enable direct modification of stored set by mutating the attribute value.

public SetAttribute<String> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.set(String.class)

private HashSet<String> myAttribute = new HashSet<>();

Note that myAttribute has to be initialized (i.e. it cannot be null).

With above set attribute, the execution of


adds "test" to myAttribute set.

When the type of storage set elements does not match the type of attribute set, there are 3 possible ways of converting data:

With a data adapter:

public SetAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.set(MyType.class)

private HashSet<StoredType> myAttribute = new HashSet<>();

where MyTypeAdapter extends DataAdapter<StoredType, MyType>.

With an auto-adapter:

public ListAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.set(MyType.class)

private HashSet<MyTypeAutoAdapter> myAttribute = new HashSet<>();

With conversion functions:

public ListAttribute<MyType> myAttribute() {
    return AttributeBuilder.set(MyType.class)

private HashSet<MyTypeAutoAdapter> myAttribute = new HashSet<>();

convertStoredTypeIntoMyType is an instance of Function<StoredType, MyType> and convertMyTypeIntoStoredType is an instance of Function<MyType, StoredType>.

Common Data Adapters

The class poussecafe.attribute.adapters.DataAdapters contains a collection of factory methods instantiating common data adapters.

Entity attributes

Entity attributes enable the implementation of one-to-one and one-to-many relations between entities. Many-to-many relations are implemented using an additional aggregate acting as the relation between other aggregates.

Entity attributes i.e. Attributes whose type is a sub-class of poussecafe.domain.Entity require a different approach because:

Therefore, there is a need for a specific attribute class EntityAttribute<E extends Entity>.

The following snippet illustrates how to set the value of an entity Attribute:

var newEntity = newEntityBuilder(MyEntity.class).withId(someId).build();
// Set newEntity attributes and/or call its methods here

The OptionalEntityAttribute is similar to EntityAttribute but supports the case where no entity is available.

Both EntityAttribute and OptionalEntityAttribute implement a one-to-one relation.

EntityMapAttribute enables the implementation of one-to-many relations. It extends MapAttribute<K, E extends Entity<K, ?>.

The following snippet illustrates how to put a new entity in the Entities map:

var newEntity = newEntityBuilder(MyEntity.class).withId(someId).build();
// Set newEntity attributes and/or call its methods here

Spring Integration

Instantiating a Pousse-Café runtime inside of a Spring application is easy thanks to Pousse-Café’s Spring Bridge. See the README for more details about how to achieve this.

Storage Plug-Ins

Messaging Plug-Ins